All Eyes on HerAll Eyes on Her by Poonam Sharma
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

All Eyes On Her
Authored by Poonam Sharma

‘Revenge is sweet but sabotage is more entertaining’

With a blurb like this, you pick up this book, and look forward to an entertaining tale of revenge and mischief – a bit like a ‘chick-lit’ novel.

This is definitely a light, airy novel, dealing with the life of a young girl of Indian origin, living in Los Angeles and working with a law firm which deals with celebrity clients. Somehow it reminds you of ‘The Devil Wears Prada’, for there are many references to brand names, and high society going-ons, even though it is based on the legal fraternity rather than the fashion writing industry.

This is Poonam Sharma’s second novel. She acknowledges it ‘To the females who have made my difficult, because you taught me how to protect myself and, incidentally, gave me another idea for a book’. With an acknowledgement like that she strikes a chord with most women, and specially the ones who work in an office!

The story meanders through the life of Monica Gupta, her efforts to deal with Camydia – her firm’s superstar clients, and her efforts to deal with her on-off relationship with Raj, her Indian boyfriend.

What sets this book apart from the other novels written by Indian authors living in the US, is that the Indianness of the protagonist is not emphasized too much. It is just one facet of her personality, the rest of the time she is dealing with all the problems that most young single females living in the US do. She has her relationship issues, her family issues, and problems with difficult colleagues.

Poonam Sharma does not seek to produce intense brooding books, she hopes to entertain us and keep us enthralled with the lives of her characters. She writes well, her control over the language is flawless, and the fact that it makes for easy reading is one of the book’s assets.

Read this book to enjoy the time you spend with it, because it is definitely an enjoyable story

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