
Why is it - that as soon as we have grandchildren we change from stern parents to soft gooey human beings who will drop everything at the sound of a little voice.
Where are the strict disciplinarians who would not give their children chocolates because they would spoil their teeth, but will keep buying chocolates and toffees for their grandchildren totally against the wishes of their own children ?
Have all of you felt this - have any of you got any reasons why this happens. I have seen it happen to my own very strict father - and I am watching helplessly as I give in to every reasonable and unreasonable demand that my granddaughter makes !!

Grandparents are part time parents - they do not have the responsibility full time - they can send the babies away and relax after a full day with them. Maybe that is one of the reasons !!

Anyway - here are some pictures of my two - just being put up for my own joy and egoistical pleasures !!


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